
Snowshoeing the Palouse Divide

Adventure Planning
Palouse Divide Trails

Winter time on the Palouse is pretty amazing for getting outside! Don’t get me wrong, I’m super grateful for warm & cozy when it’s cold out … but too much sitting / indoors always makes me STIR CRAZY! The Palouse Divide is one of my favorite places to get out and play in the snow!

Snowshoes in June

My “perfect-christmas-present-snowshoes-that-didn’t-arrive-till-June” were definitely itching for use! Not kidding! Toilet paper wasn’t the only thing back-ordered in 2020! They arrived just in time for Summer?! 😂 When winter showed up again, I was determined to put miles on them first chance I got!

The last time I planned a snowshoeing adventure while stir-crazy, it started out with “Hey, that looks fun!” and ended with “Oh my gosh we’re all gonna die!” I needed something a little more tame this time! 😅

The Snowshoe Trail at the Palouse Divide fit the bill perfectly!

The Palouse Divide

I’ve lived on The Palouse forever but never knew much abt the Palouse Divide. It only took one visit and I was in love! 🤩

My hiking boots were still covered in sand from my recent beach backpacking trip, quite the odd thing mixed in with all the snow!

I unpacked my “wait-till-June” Christmas present and was off! Within five steps I had seriously entered wonderland!

The day was a gorgeous combination of foggy-misty-surreal and clear-sunny-sparkly. It felt SO great to be outside and alive! 🤩

I cruised downhill for awhile, past the old Palouse divide ski area before climbing steeply to end up at the warming hut. I would have complained a lot more about the climb … but I’d just passed parents pulling their little ones up the hill in a sled! 😅

The Warming Hut

The warming hut was super cool! I was greeted by a friendly pup 🐾 and joined his family inside for a cozy lunch break!

The cabin is open to everyone … furnished with picnic table, benches and a wood stove ready to use! It was nice to warm up before heading back out! 😅

The Snowshoe Trail to the Warming hut is ~ 1 mile.

The route back was trekking along the Palouse Divide road. Wide with gentle rollers, it looked to be the perfect venue for learning to cross country ski! I promised myself a return trip to do just that … but with hot cocoa and marshmallows next time!

Back at the car, I easy-off’d my awesome ‘Christmas-present-in-June’ snowshoes. My ‘no-longer-sand-covered’ hiking boots were now covered in snow! I had to wonder if that, like the sand, might last ’til my next adventure!?

I’d better make the next one happen quick! 😅

Christmas in June

For the record, I’m beyond delighted with my MSR Revo Explore 25″ snowshoes … lightweight, easy to use and the heel lift lever made climbing the hills … well, easier! 😅 Thanks to the husband unit for an awesome Christmas present!

Definitely worth the wait!!

Other Trails at The Palouse Divide

Here’s the list of trails posted at the trailhead. The Palouse Divide has lots of other trails too … This online map is a good place to start.


Divide Road Easy. 4 miles RT to Hume Road junction. Est time: 1-2 hours. High Elevation: 3650′
The Divide Road starts at the east trailhead and proceeds along the groomed forest service road for 2 miles to the junction of Hume Road. Left at the junction is Hume Road. Right at the junction is Meadow Loop.. The Divide Road actually continues for many miles beyond this point allowing for many options for making your own tracks but grooming usually stops at this junction.

Big Loop Easy to moderate. 5 miles RT. Est time 2-2.5 hours. High Elevation: 3650′
The Big Loop trail starts at the east trailhead and proceeds along the Divide Road for 1 mile to the junction of lower Big Loop. At the junction, take the left branch onto a narrow groomed trail (blue arrow sign) and proceed on Big Loop in a clockwise direction. Approximately 1.7 miles from the junction, the trail begins a steep climb until it meets Hume Road in about 400 yards. Some skiers remove their skiis for this climb, others sidestep or herringbone up the hill. At Hume Road, the trail goes to the right (marked by a blue arrow sign) and returns along Hume Road to the Divide Road and back to the trailhead. There are occasional views along both Hume Road and Lower Big loop. The terrain is heavily forested and the skiing is mostly level — with the exception of the steep portion at the turnaround. Because much of Big Loop is north facing, the snow conditions are often better on Big Loop and Hume Road than on Divide Road. Hume Road is especially nice skiing and is usually groomed for both classic and skate skiing.

Meadow Loop Easy to moderate. 5.5 miles RT. Est time 3 hours. High Elevation: 3650′
The Meadow Loop trail starts at the east trailhead and proceeds along the Divide Road for 1/2 mile to the junction where it makes a right turn — away from the Divide Road. In another 1/2 mile, you will meet the junction with Little Loop (to the right). Proceed straight at this junction and you will continue skiing on the groomed road into a large clearcut area. The Meadow Loop continues through the clearcut and then climbs up to meet the Divide Road. At the Divide Road, turn left and return to the trailhead.

Little Loop Easy to moderate. 2.5 miles RT. Est time 1-2 hours. High Elevation: 3650′
The Little Loop trail starts at the east trailhead and proceeds along the Divide Road for 1/2 mile to the junction where it takes a right turn — away from the Divid Road. In another 1/2 mile, turn right and downhill onto Little Loop trail. This is a short 0.8 mile loop that will bring you back to Meadow Loop. When you meet the Meadow Loop trail, you can turn left and return to the trailhead or take a right turn and ski Meadow loop.

Hume Road Easy to moderate. 8.8miles RT if you go all the way to the turn around on Hume Road. Est time: 3 hours. High elevation: 3650′
The Hume Road trail starts at the east trailhead and proceeds along the Divide Road for 1.7 mile to the junction of Hume Road. At the junction, take the left branch onto a wide groomed road (Hume Road). There are occasional views along Hume Road. The terrain is heavily forested and the skiing is mostly level, usually very good for skate skiing. The snow conditions are often better on Hume Road than on Divide Road because it is north facing and generally protected from the wind.

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East Dennis Loop Moderate to Difficult 5.7 miles RT. Est time: 2-3 hours. High Elevation: 4400′
This loop trail starts on the northwest side of the highway and traverses on forest service road 377 for 1.6 miles before branching onto a side road and circling around East Dennis mountain …

The first 0.7 mile is relatively even terrain but then the trail climbs 600′ in the next 0.9 mile to a trail junction. At the junction, the recommended direction for skiing is to circle East Dennis in a counterclockwise direction by taking a right turn at the junction. The trail circles around East Dennis with moderate elevation change until it is about 1 mile past the junction. At this spot (marked by a blue sign) the ski trail deviates from the skid road and goes straight up hill for about 400 yards to a saddle. This portion of the trail is most difficult for skiing and some skiers remove their skiis to hike up to the saddle. At the saddle, the ski trail meets road 377 and returns back downhill and eventually to the trailhead. Views from the saddle and many places along the East Dennis loop are excellent — both to the east (towards Emida) and west (towards Potlatch).

Samson Road to Loggers Saddle Easy to Moderate. 4.4 miles RT. Est time: 2 hours. High elevation: 3800′
The Sampson trail starts at the west trailhead and proceeds along the FS Road 377 for 0.7 mile to the junction of Samson Road. At the junction, take the left branch and proceed on the groomed road. Samson Road is easy to moderate with no steep sections. There are occasional view points and an excellent view point at the turnaround. There are several spur trails along the way and at the turnaround for the adventurous skier looking to break their own trails.

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Adventure Planning


The Palouse Divide is a 45 minute drive from Pullman WA on good highways, with low elevation until the last stretch up the mountain.

Parking for the West trailhead is a pullout right on the highway.
Parking for the East trailhead is just off the highway on Dennis Mountain road.
There’s a port-a-potty at the East trailhead.


Dogs are allowed on the trails EAST of Hwy 6.


Idaho State Park N’ Ski pass required Nov 15 – April 30
Purchase either a 3 day or Annual pass online -> here.
– In 2020, Non-resident 3-day pass was $7.50 and Annual was $25. Good for any Idaho State Park.

Palouse Divide Trails Map

Palouse Divide trails Map from the site -> Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest

More detailed JIT information

Palouse Divide Nordic Ski Club website & facebook group

** In January 2023: The Club offers FREE Cross Country Ski lessons every other Saturday for anyone interested! I signed up, showed up at the Divide and 90 minutes later was nordic skiing like a pro … well, ok semi-pro?!

Need Equipment?

If you can, this is the best option just starting out! 😊

Renting snowshoes or cross country ski equipment is super easy on the Palouse. Check out

1- HyperSpud rents Adult and Kids gear for reasonable prices -> here

2- WSU OUTDOOR REC also rents for student or non-student rates -> here
– Pay attention to their hours, they close most school & holiday breaks.

3- U of I OUTDOOR Rental Center -> here also rents. I haven’t personally rented there

This year, thanks to christmas awesomeness and a generous husband, I got my first snowshoes! The MSR’s Revo Explore 25″ fit the bill and I love them! Here’s the MSR link and Amazon Review , but …

I wholly recommend buying local from HYPERSPUD SPORTS -> here. Not only are they a wealth of information for gear and local adventures, they were incredible to work with during the backorder craziness of 2020!

Otherwise it might have been August before I got them!! 😂😅

Support Local!
See you out on the Trails! 🤩

More Experiences on the Palouse!
Other Backyard Adventures!